Deb Gulick is currently an Instructional Designer for the Office of Digital Learning, where she has designed and developed a variety of innovative eLearning projects during the past thirteen and a half years.
Before assuming her role at the eLearning Institute, Deb received her Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, with a concentration in Business Economics, and a minor in Management from the University of Pittsburgh in 1990. Along with refining her customer service and training skills in the retail sector for various businesses, she applied her accounting skills for a local CPA firm in western Pennsylvania, and at the former Centre Community Hospital in State College.
After taking a few years to invest quality time with her husband raising their children, Debbie pursued her graduate education at Penn State University, completed an internship experience with PricewaterhouseCoopers Learning and Education, worked as an independent instructional design consultant in the medical field, and was awarded her Master’s degree in Instructional Systems in 2004. She also began coursework towards her doctorate.
Debbie has always been a strong advocate for the arts, and is an experienced folk dancer, teacher, and youth advisor. Her hobbies include cooking and gardening.